Will Eisner: Contract with God

Will Eisner's "Contract with God" seems to be a tragic story about a man, Fermme Hersh, making a contract with god and living his life based around it.  He lived his life as a "good" man, helping his fellow people and tries to be righteous.  He takes religious instruction and devotes himself to good works.  The man does good and raises a child, only to die from sickness.  The man goes mad, and believes that god broke a contract saying "If god requires it that men honor their agreement...then is it not god, also, obligated?"  After feeling betrayed he turns away from his beliefs and becomes a hard man.  Later on he ends up owning a real estate empire and pays a few wise elders to create a contract with god for him.  Femme Hersh never let go of what happened and what he felt with his contract with god.  Maybe the contract was not properly written, so now he asks wise men of god to create one for him.


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